Legal Entity: The legal name of our company or entity is Reyhar LLC.
Purpose: The primary purpose of our web application "Viral Quotes" is to generate images with motivational phrases overlaid on landscapes or elements that align with the motivational quote. Users can also include their logo, brand name, or website at the bottom of each generated image.
Effective Date: These Terms and Conditions are effective as of September 11, 2023.
Conditions of Use: There is no refund policy once payment is processed, as our service is for one-time use.
User Rights and Responsibilities: Users are responsible for any typographical errors when entering their brand name, Twitter/Instagram handle, website, or when uploading an incorrect logo. No refunds will be issued for errors caused by users. Users have the right to use the generated images as they see fit.
Registration Process: Users register for our application by providing information through a form called "Business Information."
Requirements: Users are required to have a valid email address, a brand name, Twitter/Instagram handle or website, and a logo with a transparent background (preferred).
Authentication and Password Protection: Not applicable.
Data Privacy: User data is stored on Google Firebase servers.
Data Collection and Usage Policy: See Privacy Policy.
Data Protection: User data is protected by security rules configured in Firebase Firestore.
Ownership: The intellectual property rights of the "Viral Quotes" application and its content belong to Reyhar LLC.
Content Distribution: Users have the right to use the images generated by the application as they see fit.
Company Responsibility: Reyhar LLC is responsible for the availability and proper functioning of Viral Quotes. In the event of any issues or failures, users can contact us at
Disclaimer: No specific disclaimers are applicable at this time.
Claims and Legal Disputes: There are no claims for user errors in using the application. If an error or failure is due to the application, users can contact us at for resolution.
Notification of Changes: Changes to the Terms and Conditions will be communicated via email.
Update Frequency: Terms and Conditions may be updated approximately once a year or less.
Conditions for Termination: Not applicable, as there are no user accounts.
Account Closure Process: Not applicable, as there are no user accounts.
Governing Law: These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of Peru.
Contact Information: For inquiries or support related to the application, please contact us at
User Contact: Users can reach out to us for support at